Scope of Operations Management - businesskites


Simplified Business Studies

Scope of Operations Management

The scope of Operations Management includes the following areas: 

  • Location of Facilities
  • Plant Layout and Material Handling
  • Product Design
  • Process Design
  • Production Planning and Control
  • Quality Control
  • Inventory Management
  • Maintenance Management

1. Location of Facilities: It is the process of selecting the right location for the manufacturing of products, to get easy access to customers and the market.

2. Plant Layout: Plant layout is the facilities planning to analyze the right physical configurations for a manufacturing unit.

3. Product Design: Product design is the process of identifying market opportunity defining it clearly and developing a solution in the form of product or service.

4. Process design: Process design is the process of determining the sequence of activities for the transformation of raw materials in the form of the desired output.

5. Production planning and Control: Production planning is the planning of activities for manufacturing products such as estimating, routing, scheduling, and loading functions.

Production control functions are the activities to implement the production plan such as dispatching, follow up, and corrective action.

6. Quality control: Quality control is the system of ensuring standards in manufactured products by testing the samples of the output.

7. Inventory management: Inventory management refers to the management of raw materials, components and finished products and the process of ordering, storing and using the company’s inventory.

8. Maintenance management: Maintenance management is the process of maintaining a company’s assets and resources to ensure maximum efficiency of the manufacturing process.


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