HRD Matrix - businesskites


Simplified Business Studies

HRD Matrix

The HRD matrix depicts the relationship between HRD instruments, processes, outcomes and organizational effectiveness. 

HRD Instruments: HRD Instruments are the tools or functions used for achieving the objectives of HRD. HRD instruments include

  • performance appraisal
  • counselling
  • role analysis
  • potential development
  • training, communication policies
  • job rotations
  • rewards
  • job enrichment programmes
  • HRD Processes

HRD Processes: HRD Processes are a series of activities to achieve the objectives of HRD instruments. 

HRD processes include 

  • role clarity
  • performance planning
  • development climate
  • risk-taking
  • dynamism in employees

HRD Outcomes: HRD instruments and processes lead to making employees more satisfied and committed to achieving organizational goals. 

Organizational Effectiveness: The HRD outcomes lead to organizational effectiveness, which depends upon various variables like environment, technology, competitors, etc.

Tripathi P.C., ―Human Resource Development‖, Sultan Chand & Sons.
Rao T.V., ―Reading in human Resource Development‖, Oxford and IBH.

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