HRD Prcoess: Phase 3; Implementing HRD Programs - businesskites


Simplified Business Studies

HRD Prcoess: Phase 3; Implementing HRD Programs

The third phase of the HRD process is to implement HRD programs. The implementation of HRD programs is through initiating the training programs by adopting appropriate training methods and techniques. 

The training program is broadly categorized into (a) on-the-job training where the training is conducted at the place of the job and (b) off-the-job training where the training is conducted away from the normal work setting.

The table shows the Training methods and techniques used in each method:




On-the-job training


Job instruction training

Job rotation



Off-the Job Training



Conference Discussion


    Static media (e.g.: handouts: books)
     dynamic media (e.g. video: film)

Experiential techniques

    Case study

    Business games Roleplay

    Behavioural modelling

Computer-based training


Paper-based training
Computer-based training

On-the-job training (OJT):

1) Job Instruction Training (JIT)

JIT is an On Job Training Method, where the trainer uses a sequence of instructional procedures to train employees while they work in their assigned job.

The process of JIT includes four steps.  

Step 1 Prepare the worker

a. Put trainee at ease

b. Find out what trainee knows

c Motivate

d. Set up the task

Step 2: Present the task

a. Tell

b. Show

c. Explain

d. Demonstrate·

Step 3: Practice

a. Have the trainee perform the task(s)

b. Have the trainee explain the steps

c Give feedback on performance

d. Reinforce correct behaviour

Step 4:Follow up

a. Allow the trainee to perform on his or her own

b. Encourage questioning

c. Check performance periodically

d. Gradually taper off training

 2) Job Rotation

Job rotation is the approach where the trainee is provided opportunities to perform a series of different assignments and to learn key roles, policies, and procedures for a specified period.

Off-the-Job Methods

Classroom training approaches are training methods conducted outside of the normal work setting, usually in a classroom context.  

Types of classroom training methods:

  1. Lecture
  2. Discussion
  3. Audiovisual media
  4. Experiential methods such as case study method, Role-playing, Behavior modelling and Outdoor education
  5. Computer-based training (classroom-based) 

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