HRD Program: Phase 4; Evaluating the HRD Programme - businesskites


Simplified Business Studies

HRD Program: Phase 4; Evaluating the HRD Programme

The evaluation of the HRD programme is defined as “the systematic collection of descriptive and judgmental information necessary to make effective training decisions related to the selection, adoption, value and modification of various instructional activities.”

 Objectives of the HRD evaluation programme:

  • To examine whether an HRD program is achieving its goals
  • To understand the areas where further changes are needed
  • To decide an HRD program’s cost-benefit ratio of
  • To determine the future participants of the program
  • To use the collected data for marketing future programs
  • To develop a database for future decisions

Models and Frameworks of Evaluation

There are many models of evaluation which explain the training evaluation criteria. They are;

Models and Frameworks of Evaluation


Training Evaluation Criteria

Kirkpatrick (1994)

Four levels: Reaction, Learning, Job Behaviour, and Results

Galvin (1983)

Four levels: Context, Input, Process and Product

Kraiger, Ford, & Salas (1993)

Three Categories of learning outcomes: Cognitive, skill-based, affective

Holton (1996)

Five categories of variables: secondary influences, motivation elements, environmental elements, outcomes and ability elements

Philips (1996)

Five levels: reaction and planned action, learning, applied learning on the job, business results and return on investment


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