Plant Layout: The Principles and Influencing Factors - businesskites


Simplified Business Studies

Plant Layout: The Principles and Influencing Factors

Plant layout refers to the arrangement of machinery, equipment, and other industrial facilities such as tool rooms, receiving and shipping departments, employee amenities and maintenance rooms to attain ultimate co-ordination and productivity of Men, Materials, Machines, and Methods in a plant. The plant layout study, also known as Facilities Planning analyses various physical arrangements for a plant.  
The need for Plant layout:
To set up a new plant
The design changes in the product.
The expansion of the enterprise or the department
The variation in the size of the departments.
A new product is to be added to the line.
Objectives of a good layout:
To optimize productivity
To arrange enough production capacity
To minimize material handling costs
To decrease hazards
To utilize available space and resources effectively
Factors influencing facility layout: The following factors influence on deciding the design and selection of plant layout of a plant.
Type and size of workers
Type of industry
Managerial policies
Type and size of machinery
Type and size of raw material
Type and size of the product
Principles of Layout: The philosophies to be followed while designing the plant layout
Principle of optimum usage
Principle of safety and satisfaction
Principle of minimum investment
Principle of integration
The principle of minimum travel
Principle of sequence
Principle of flexibility

The plant facilities must be designed in a way that can adapt quickly and efficiently to changing technological and market necessities. The shorter product life cycles, higher varieties of products, increased uncertainty and complexity of demand forecasting and smaller delivery times demand flexible manufacturing facilities; plant layout made to a single product line cannot be cost-effective. The flexible plant layout can be shifted quickly from one product line to another without large replacement of equipment, major retooling and bigger resource reconfiguration.

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