Scientific Management Theory - businesskites


Simplified Business Studies

Scientific Management Theory

Scientific management is a theory of management that investigates and synthesizes workflows to increase economic effectiveness, mainly labor productivity. It was one of the initial efforts to apply science and engineering to management.
Scientific management was fundamentally some management principles which intended for the operational efficiency at the floor level.  The concept of scientific management was initiated by Frederic Winslow Tylor in the USA at the beginning of the 20th century; hence the scientific management is also known as Taylorism.  This concept was further carried on by Henry L. Gantt (1861–1919), Carl G. Barth (1860–1939), Horace K. Hathaway (1878–1944), Morris L. Cooke (1872–1960), Sanford E. Thompson (1867–1949), Frank B. Gilbreth (1868–1924).  ‘’The Scientific management focuses on knowing exactly what u want men to do and then see in that they do in in the best and cheapest way’’ – FW Tylor (Father of scientific management).
F.W. Tylor
Scientific management can be described in two parts: Principles and Tools of scientific management:
Principles of Scientific Management:
1.       Replacing rule of thumb with science
2.       Harmony in group action and Cooperation
3.       Scientifically select, train, and develop each worker
4.       Division of Work
Tools of Scientific Management:
1.       Separation of planning and doing
2.       Functional foremanship
3.       Job analysis
4.       Standardization
5.       Scientific selection and training of workers
6.       Financial incentives
7.       Economy
8.       Mental revolution
Critical Analysis of Scientific Management:
The approach of Scientific Management mainly focused on the mechanical view of productivity and sidelined human aspect at the workplace. This created aggressive attitudes among workers
The Scientific Management principles are concentrated on the authoritarian approach of close and strict supervision; the workers were dissatisfied with this system on the plea that it was a new method of exploiting workers by industrialists. 

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