Business Presentation: Prerequisites and Strategies - businesskites


Simplified Business Studies

Business Presentation: Prerequisites and Strategies

A presentation is a live mode of sharing information with a selected audience. The presentation is usually a demonstration, lecture, or speech with the purpose to inform, persuade, inspire, motivate or to build goodwill.  
Types of Business Presentations:
 Informative: Informational presentations include talks, seminars, proposals, workshops, conferences, and meetings the presenter shares his expertise and exchanges information.
Instructional: The purpose of an instructional presentation is to give specific directions or orders.
Persuasive: The purpose of a persuasive presentation is to convince the listeners to accept a proposal.
Goodwill Presentations: The purpose of goodwill presentation is to build goodwill about themselves and to build respect for the organization and the product.
Training: The purpose of training sessions is to teach participants a variety of skills.
Motivation Presentations: The purpose of motivational presentations is to keep the level of commitment and efforts of listeners high towards the goal.
Interviews: The purpose of the presenter is to persuade the immediate audience (the interviewer) to select the presenter for the concerned job vacancy. 
Prerequisites of Business Presentation
Identify your purpose
Analyze your audience
Choose your ideas
Arrange your information
Organize your message
Effective presentation Strategies
1. Plan:
Determine how to relate the topic to the audience.
Determine the expected outcome of the presentation
Plan strategies to attract the audience’s interest.
Prepare according to the audience’s level of understanding of the topic.
2. Prepare the structure of the presentation:
The structure of a presentation consists of three parts:
Prepare an attention-seeking opening – Use a question, make a startling statement, or relate a relevant incident to elicit the audience’s interest.  The opening makes up 5 to 10 % of your presentation.
Prepare the key ideas – Your presentation should contain 4 to 6 different points that you must back up with evidence such as statistics, testimonials, and demonstrations. Make sure that the key ideas all support a coherent message. Your discussion of these points should make up 80 to 85 %  of your presentation.
Prepare a memorable closing – The closing should include the summary of the presentation and persuasive towards the objectives of the presentation. The close should make up 5 to10 % of your presentation.
3. Practice – Review your content, rehearse, and get feedback on your presentation, and build enthusiasm and confidence to present.
Consider videotaping yourself rehearsing, and then review the videotape for analyzing distracting mannerisms and other signs of nervousness.
The best cure for nervousness is confidence and that confidence comes with practice
4. Present – Make a positive first impression. If possible, establish eye contact with your audience.
Be yourself and relax.
Understand your subject deeply and build rapport with the audience
Speak in a heightened conversational tone.
Slow down and emphasize important points, pausing before and after key points to set them apart.

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